There are always circumstances that rise up in life, we don’t have control over the occurrence of events and experiences we encounter but we have a response ability to choose our response to every saturation.
And this I will say, is the human super power. Your ability to choose your response.
Allowing this Will and Mindset to consciously be demonstrated in your life is a plus that 75% of the world doesn’t allow.
I as a person for one fact have always been worrying about things that occur in my life.
Why things are the way they are and how it has been my fault, how did I create them and what can I do!
As the result of this I have constantly been Impatient because I thought that everything in my life was created by me so I should change it right away.
As they say ‘you create everything you see in your life’
This has made me over the years as I noticed Impatient. Which is not a good virtue for a successful life.
Now! Knowing this, learning to overcome that weakness and also sharing it, is amazing.
That I can be myself and stop blaming me for every little mistake or unexpected saturations, instead, look at it for the lessons and move on.
It’s not as simple as writing/reading this passage, it takes a personal commitment and self-love to passed that stage of self-balm to the place of true love and beauty. Where you look at the world through the eyes of lessons learned, ways to improved, and do things better and effectively.
Knowing that these things thou they may be painful, unbearable, and unwanted - but they are the very things we need to be better, it's what will show us how to be a better person, and better ways to do things so we have an amazing life.