By: The LifeInMe Empire
Diamond fascinates me a lot!
It's one material most desired and wanted in the World.
It's value can't be over emphasize!
Yet there's something amazing about this Diamond!
Where it's found and how it's formed.
Diamond is formed in intense heat and pressure deep within the earth. In an uncomfortable place!
Within the earth's crust under conditions of intense heat and pressure that cause carbon atoms to crystallize (to form into crystals)!
It's found beneath great amount of dirt.
It requires you dig deep within the earth to discover it!
We as humans are similar to diamond in many ways than you know.
It's within great amount of pressure and heat that we grow and become more!
It's what turns us into crystal.
It's when we are pushed to our limits, gotten broken and hurt, that's when the real versions of who we are is birth!
It's within the crushing of our souls which is a compositions of the WILL, MIND, and EMOTIONS that we find our true identity.
We all have scars that shows how unique we are!
Now days people find it wise to hide pains and scars that birth them into who they are; but as I mentioned in my book "Step Up", own every bit of the hurts, pains and scars you received before becoming!
It's within the uniqueness of these you're destined to transform lives beyond measure.
If the diamond is not pressure within the uncomfortable place deeply buried within the earth, and forcefully formed into crystals, it never would have become the World most treasured material.
Whenever you are hurt, broken or been thrown down below what you thought you could have taken, look deep within you for the most valuable of all, the Will to keep going and never give up! because right within that moment, you're being formed into a Diamond.
The most desire treasure.