Why Do We
Why is everything true fading away, why are we becoming so far from who we are.
Why are we losing the beauty of life, being human,
why are we losing our powers,
Why are we losing presence with one another,
why are we losing sight of the true human relation?
Why do we act as if we got it all together when we don’t,
why do we pretend as if we are doing perfectly
Fine when we are not, why do we act as if we got it all in control,
why do we feel threaten by one another?
Why do we feel as if we’ve got something to prove to each other when the true is we truly
Need each another to survive.
Why do we act as if we are in race for a championship when the
Truth is we are on companionship ( there are no champions),
why do we hide all of our tears beneath a fake simile when all we want to do is cry out loud, why do we hide Our hurt when it is actually what made us strong,
why do we hide our pain when it is what we need to Become better,
why do we hide our insecurities when it is what thought us to be brave,
why do we Hide our fears when it is what we needed to become confident,
why do we hide our worries when it is What give us hope that there is a tomorrow,
why do we hide our pain when it prepares us to become the People we out to become,
why we cover our failures and suspend our defeat when it thought us a better path to gain our victories/freedom.
Why do we hide our low times when they are the moments that brought the best out of us! Why do we hide our down times when someone else needs it to know they too can come out, they are not alone.
Why do we do all these things!!